
Government Contracts


Is the buccal swab accurate?
An alternative to testing blood is a method of sample collection using buccal (cheek) swabs. Since the DNA is the same in every cell of the body, the accuracy of testing performed on cheek cells collected with a swab is the same as using blood.

Does the child have to be a certain age to perform a DNA paternity test?
There are no age restrictions with DNA paternity testing since DNA is set at conception.

How accurate is DNA testing?
DNA testing is the most accurate form of paternity testing possible and our laboratory offers dual processing of all cases to ensure the accuracy of the testing process.

Can an accurate test be performed without the mother's sample?

Can an accurate test be performed if the alleged father is deceased?

How long does it take to get results?
Testing is completed in 5 days or less.

What if the tested parties are in different cities?
This is not a problem. We have an extensive network of local specimen collection facilities across the country.

Are results confidential?
Yes. DDC understands that paternity testing is a sensitive issue and will only issue results to the requesting agency that scheduled the testing.

Do I need an attorney and/or court order?
Generally, no. The agency scheduling the testing will provide the required order and instructions.

What is the chain-of-custody procedure followed by DDC?
A strict chain-of-custody is maintained to ensure the admissiblitiy of test results in a court of law. All parties are required to provide a government issued photo ID, and all parties are photographed and, if requested, thumbprinted at the time of collection.

Can medications, drugs or blood transfusions affect test results?
DNA tests are not affected by medications, drugs or blood transfusions. Buccal swabs should be collected when an individual has been receiving transfusions or has undergone a bone marrow transplant.

What does it mean when the result for the tested man says he is NOT excluded as the father?
This result means the tested man does have the DNA required to be the father.

What does it mean when the result for the tested man says he is EXCLUDED as the father?
This result means the tested man did not have the DNA required to be the father.
